The Mythocene

Running Needle-Heart and the Wyldlands

I made one post about my work-in-progress personal setting+game, the Needle-Heart and the Wyldlands project, but never really expanded on what it was like, so here it is:

The original intent of the setting was to allow me to port basically any kind of module, dungeon, adventure or material from any setting to my own kitchen-sink world with minimal converting effort. This was achieved by making the wilderness outside the central "safe haven" City ever-changing: the Wyldlands are always changing, swallowing and spewing out things all the time.

That way, if I had a cool snowy mountaintop dungeon I wanted to throw at my players or test out, but their characters are in the middle of the desert, no problem: a mountain can just pop up there for a couple of days before disappearing again.

The guiding principles for the setting are very simple:

Originally based on Knave and Cairn, the system is classless. This ties the characters into the previous points.

Another advantage, for me, of this approach, is that there is only one City the players will be spending most of their time on, so I can spend all my effort into making it as much fun to explore and spend downtime on as possible and get to use all that material.

With all that said, here's how I'm trying to make all of this come together and work as a package:

With all that context out of the way, I can start posting some of the cool stuff and ideas I had planned for Needle-Heart over the following couple of days.

  1. Character progression is still something I'm tinkering with, but it's probably going to end up as simply a chance for improving your stats by rolling under them, like in Knave.

#Adventure Calendar Jam 2023 #Needle-Heart and the Wyldlands #procedures #theory #worldbuilding