The Mythocene

He Slept Not, Though He Tried - The Ranger for GLoG

The Ranger

Starting Gear: Bow, 20 arrows, hardened layers of clothing (as light armor), lantern, 20' of rope, good knife

Starting Skills: Fletching and (d4) 1. hedge philosophy; 2. haute living; 3. banditry; 4. quixoticism

A: Favored Terrain; Trophies
B: Fighting Spirit
C: Wild at Heart; +1 Favored Terrain
D: Giant Slayer; Apex

Favored Terrain: Pick one type of favored terrain (cities, plains, forests, mountains...). Whenever you enter or awake inside one of your favored terrains, pick [templates] advantage(s) from the list below - some perks may be picked multiple times to stack their bonuses:

Your perks from Favored Terrain do not apply to or against Rangers of higher level than you.

Trophies: You can collect trophies from fallen foes. Each one takes up an inventory slot and gives your choice between +1 to saving throws against creatures of the same type or +1 to hit creatures of the same type while it remains visible.

Fighting Spirit: Pick a Fighting Style from the list below:

  1. Archer (bow)
    You can shoot inanimate targets within range without making a roll. You can shoot arrows weighted down by ropes, bombs or other impedimenta without penalty

  2. Brawler (unarmed)
    Step up the die for your unarmed attacks. If you hit a target with an unarmed Stunt, you can make an additional non-stunt attack against them.

  3. Crusher (bludgeoning weapon) Reroll 1s for damage with bludgeoning weapons. When you deal 6+ damage with a bludgeoning weapon, you can sunder an item or worn piece of armor from your target.

  4. Dual Wielding (two weapons) Don’t step down damage dice when dual wielding. If you hit a target with one weapon, get advantage on stunting against them with your other attack.

  5. Duelist (one-handed) You can parry and riposte as a Fighter. If you hit a target with a riposte, you can also attempt a stunt against them.

  6. Exotic Warrior (exotic weapons) If you’re wielding a weapon that your enemy has never heard of, you can stunt without losing damage on a miss.

  7. Greatshield (light or heavy shield)
    You can parry projectiles, as well as attacks aimed at adjacent allies, while you're holding a shield. If you also choose to sunder your shield, you parry reduces damage by 1d6+6 instead.

  8. Great Weapon (two-handed weapon) You cleave as a Fighter. You can make a free attack against a character approaching you, once per round.

  9. Improvised (anything not a weapon)
    Crit range with improvised weapons is improved by two points. Damage rolls with improvised weapons explode.

  10. Reaver (slashing weapon) You may make a single attack before initiative is rolled by drawing your sword from it's sheath. When you deal 6+ damage with a slashing weapon, you can cause a grievous injury (permanent scar of your choice) or a bleeding wound (1 damage/round)

  11. Spearwall (piercing weapon) When you’re wielding a piercing weapon, adjacent allies get +1 AC. You have double reach with piercing weapons.

  12. Throwing (throwing weapon) You can throw any weapon with no penalties, but only specifically throwing weapons work for your fighting style. You can accurately hit inanimate targets with throwing weapons without making a roll. You can throw a throwing weapon on your person as a bonus attack on your turn if you have a free hand.

Wild At Heart: You can effectively talk to and understand animals using body language and vocalizations. They are under no obligation to be friendly or cooperative to you. If you bond with a specific animal, you may make it your companion. An animal companion counts against your hireling limits and is abnormally well-behaved, intelligent and attuned to you.

Giant Slayer: If you spend a round climbing a giant beast, your attacks never miss and ignore damage reduction as they strike weakspots. While you're astride, you may save to wrangle the beast into moving to a spot of your choice or attacking a spot of your choice. Each round, a beast may attempt to shake you off with a contested save.

Apex: Sunder a trophy of your choice to perform a feat of supernatural strength or agility befitting a creature of the same type.

#GLoG; classes