The Mythocene

The Painter for GLoG

Here's another GLoG class, a specialist this time.

The Painter

In the City, blue-collar painters toil endlessly in scenes of abudance to be pilfered by inkraiders. Painted food stolen from imaginary landscapes is as nutritious as wet cardboard, but a false meal beats no meal at all. And the City always hungers.

Starting Skills: Anatomy, alcoholism, affability

Starting Equipment: Canvas knife (as dagger), painting supplies (d8 uD), as many empty canvases as you'd like

A: Still Life, Pool Diver
B: Chiaroscuro, +1 to Save
C: Vanishing Point
D: Pentimento, +1 to Save

Still Life: With an action and a roll of your painting supplies usage dice, you can sketch a crude imitation of reality onto a canvas, no bigger than a small terrier, and drag it into the physical world. Painted creatures have 1HP, deal no damage, are as fast as a mouse and can carry anything not heavier than a wine bottle. Painted objects have a [template]-in-6 chance of passing as the real deal even to an art critic (commoners are always fooled). All your images disintegrate into an oily painted mess after one hour of enduring reality.

Pool Diver: If you lock eyes with another rational creature, you may force one of your secrets to swap places with one of their secrets, at random. Sober targets may save. During downtime, you can earn enough money by painting to afford food, shelter and basic necessities for you and at least [template] other people.

Chiaroscuro: If you are completely obscured by shadows, you may declare that you vanish. While vanished, you may not affect or be affected by the physical world, but your presence might be felt in the flickering of candle lights or sudden cold breezes. At any moment, you may reveal yourself from any other contiguous area of shadow.

Vanishing Point: With ten minutes of work and a roll of your painting supplies, you paint any place you have seen before, or that you can reference. You and up to [template] other creatures holding your hands may dive into a painted landscape to land on the other side. Landscapes may be stored for posterity, but they start to leak into their surroundings after a week - painted plains cause grass to grow over bricks, painted seascapes makes nearby metal start to rust, etc...

The gaping wound on reality left in the wake of a jump closes itself after d6 rounds.

Pentimento: With an action and a roll of your painting supplies, you may brush directly over the physical world to create a Pentimento: an alteration of reality. You can paint doors into walls, bridges over holes or holes over solid ground. You can paint over visible traps or hazards to disable them. Every turn, roll a d6 - on a 1 or 2, reality overwrites your oldest, still active Pentimento. It is unwise to be inside of it when this happens.

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