The Mythocene

The Ironclad for GLoG

Edit: This is less bad now.

The Ironclad

You're a weapon, enchanced by bonesaw, scalpel and cutting edge medical technology, and you bear the scars to show.
You're a knight, clad in engine-driven platemail, too heavy and cumbersome for any regular man to don.
You're a relic of a war long past, abandoned and forgotten after the trenchs became gardens.
You can hear the irregular beating of your second heart during sleepless nights.

Prime Attribute: Strength

After rolling your attributes, you may replace your prime attribute score with your highest score.

Starting Equipment: Locomotive-armor (as plate); Spiking maul (as warhammer); ugly surgery scars; 2d6x10 shillings

Starting Skills: Siege engineer; gallows humor; medical miracle

Templates A: Boiler Room; Brimstone
B: Firebox; +1 to-hit
C: Wrought Iron
D: Desperate Measures

Boiler Room - Fill an empty inventory slot with Heat to perform feats of supernatural strenght:

Some feats require continued application of strenght (like holding an iron porticullis up as your allies go through it), and generate an extra point of heat per turn of effort. The Heat gain replaces any roll you might need to do, unless you’re trying to inflict something on another creature, then you need to make a successful attack.

You may forgo sleep and spend the night brooding over your thoughts to lose all your Heat, but you only recover half of your missing HP. You also vent a point of Heat when you act in a surprisingly kind, gentle or delicate manner.

Brimstone - You eat twice as many rations and your fists are d6 weapons. Your thick skin reduces all damage taken by one point, to a minimum of one.

Firebox - When a peaceful situation escalates to violence, you are never caught by surprise. When you are the one who escalates it, your enemies are always caught by surprise. If you yell vociferously, anyone in your way must save or get the hell out of it.

Wrought Iron: Gain a point of Heat to grit your teeth as you take a blow, reducing it's damage by d12. You may use this to parry attacks aimed at adjacent allies, suffering whatever damage that remains, with a 4-in-6 chance of success.

Desperate Measures - You may keep fighting after being reduced to 0 HP by gaining a Heat for every time you would take more damage. After the violence stops, roll over your current Heat on a d20 or your two hearts give out from the exertion, killing you for good.

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