The Mythocene

Intimidation with Turn Undead

Here's a quick way to gamify intimidation for your fighting men or other menacing figures, using the Cleric's Turn Undead table.


Fighting Men can attempt to intimidate their enemies by rolling 2d6 and comparing their result against the HD of the targets being intimidated, according the chart below. If the intimidation attempt is successful, the Fighter may roll 2d6 to check how many HD worth of creatures are intimidated.

Intimidated targets suffer a -2 penalty to hit aainst the Fighter.

Fear-struck targets flee as if under the effects of a Cause Fear spell.

All other normal rules of Turning apply (excess HD lost, minimum of one creature affected, lowest HD affected first in mixed groups)

Level / HD of Target 1 2 2*1 3 4 5 6 7-9
1 7 9 11
2 I 7 9 11
3 I I 7 9 11
4 F I I 7 9 11
5 F F I I 7 9 11
6 F F F I I 7 9 11
7 F F F F I I 7 9
8 F F F F F I I 7
9 F F F F F F I I

Intimidation Results

Bonus Rule - Brutalize

In Shadow of Mordor/War, you could unlock a special type of sneak attack called Brutalize. Brutalizing an Orc caused other nearby weaker Orcs to flee in fear, giving you an upper hand in the upcoming fight. I loved that mechanic in the game, so here's a way to make it work with these intimidation rules:

If a Thief kills a target using a Sneak Attack, he may immediately make an Intimidation roll against all nearby targets that witnessed the assassination. The Thief uses either her target's or her own HD, whichever highest, to calculate the Intimidation target number.

  1. 2 HD monsters with a special ability.

#house rules #mechanics