The Mythocene

Expanded D6 Skills and Classless Progression

This post was made as a submission for Dice Goblin's Adventure Calendar Jam 2023 where we post one short RPG idea every day until December 24. Here are my previous entries: day one, two, three, four, five, six, seven and eight

Non-combat skills are weird in a lot of retro-clones and old-school compatible systems. I have always wanted to bolt skills onto the system instead of relying on a skill-focused Specialist class, but it's very easy to defeat the purpose of the D6 skills in the first place (simplicity and ease of use) by making things overcomplicated. So here's how I do it:

Expanded Results

If you want to have a smoother curve of results instead of a binary yes/no, you can roll 2d6 instead of a single die:

2d6 Roll Result Result Description
Double 1s A Critical Success! Yes, and...
Two Successes A Partial Success Yes, but...
One Success A Partial Failure No, but...
Double 6s A Critical Failure! No, and...

I prefer to roll under for D6 skills, so double 1s are the best possible result, while double 6s are the worst.

You'll notice there are no straight "Yes" or "No" results on the table. That is partially due to a limitation of the system (it is possible to have the whole range of six results by using two differently colored dice and reading each accordingly, but that runs into the cardinal sin of overcomplicating the D6 skill system), and partially by design. Using this system forces you to keep the narrative flowing by virtue of making you think into what the "X, and..." or the much more common "X, but..." results actually entail.

Skill Progression

Having skills is cool, but getting better at them via good old pratice is even cooler. Let's make it class-independent!

Any character can attempt anything they might reasonably achieve with an unmodified 1-in-6 success chance. The odds are modified by:

These last two are from my quick and simple progression system:

But What About the Thief?

If you want to use these 2D6 skills with your Specialist class, you can let them roll another D6 every two class levels, and count all successes using a slightly modified table:

# of Successes You get Result Description
3+ A Critical Success! Yes, and...
2 A Partial Success Yes, but...
1 A Partial Failure No, but...
0 A Critical Failure! No, and...

#Adventure Calendar Jam 2023 #character advancement #house rules #skills #thief