The Mythocene

Dungeon Mushrooms

This post was made as a submission for Dice Goblin's Adventure Calendar Jam 2023 where we post one short RPG idea every day until December 24. Here are my previous entries: day one and two

Here are some funky fungi to spice up your underground areas. Also a good way to populate dungeons with some exotic Flora using the Dungeon Growth rules too! For starters, let's name our mushroom...

d6 Name 1 Name 2 Name 3
1 White/Black Toad/Goblin cap/hat
2 Red/Green Prince/Witch tail/pan
3 Brown/Blue Sword/Arrow wood/wax
4 Common/Wild Rust/Stone moss/bark
5 Slimy/Dusty Milk/Blood whisper/shade
6 Giant/Tiny Ember/Frost spike/bulb

...and see what it looks like!

d6 Mushroom Taste Mushroom Smell Mushroom Shape
1 Chicken/Pork Earthy/Musky Tall/Glob
2 Bacon/Fish Sweet/Spicy Flat/Cleft
3 Nutty/Earthy Floral/Woody Squat/Coral
4 Tangy/Sweet Citrusy/Pungent Disk/Umbrella
5 Spicy/Buttery Smoky/Savory Cone/Bell
6 Smooth/Sharp Fresh/Decayed Round/Cup

Psst! These are spark tables. Have you noticed how there are two itens on each cell? You're supposed to pick one of the two when you roll that result. This is a nifty trick to cram more content into less space while still keeping the at-a-glance readability and utility of a table.

And now to figure out what to do with it...

d6 Effect w/ Raw Effect w/ Prepared Preparation Method
1 Poisonous Potent Roasted/Stuffed
2 Poisonous Edible Grated/Sautéed
3 Useless Useless Pickled/Grilled
4 Useless Edible Smoked/Brewed
5 Edible Useless Fermented/Dehydrated
6 Potent Poisonous Charred/Smoked

...and what does it do!

d6 Generic Poisonous Symptons Generic Potent Effect Generic Potent Drawback
1 Muscle Atrophy

(- to STR rolls/saves)
Physical Stimulant

(+ to STR rolls/saves)
Save vs Stress or Shaky Hands
2 Neurotoxic Reaction

(- to DEX rolls/saves)
Quicked Reflexes

(+ to DEX rolls/saves)
Save vs Fear or Overpowering Body Odor
3 Respiratory Inhibition

(- to CON rolls/saves)
Immune System Boost

(+ to CON rolls/saves)
Save vs Paranoia to Cooperate/Heed Advice
4 Sensory Overload

(- to WIS rolls/saves)
Heightened Senses

(+ to WIS rolls/saves)
Save vs Nightmares or Wake Up Screaming
5 Brain Fog

(- to INT rolls/saves)
Central Nervous System Stimulant

(+ to INT rolls/saves)
Save vs Anger or Escalate Conflicts
6 Irritability

(- to CHA rolls/saves)

(+ to CHA rolls/saves)
Save vs Relaxation or Fall Asleep

Still not enough mushrooms for you? Here are 12 rare mushrooms with special effects! The tables are broken up into two to fit neatly into this post - for these, roll only once for the entire row

d20 Rare Mushroom Name Rare Mushroom Description Where Does It Grow
1 Flying Hogsnout Pink, Greasy, Awful Smell Hanging From Edges of Cliffs
2 Translucent Ghostbell See Through, Hums Slightly Over Gravestones of Dead Whose Names Have Been Forgotten
3 Philosopher's Firecap Warm To The Touch, Smells Sweet Inside Skulls of Polyglots
4 Elf Maiden's Ear Dark Blue, White Specks, Glows in The Dark, Smells Like Morning Rain In Places of Natural Beauty
5 Silky Night Screamer Black, Velvet Texture, Puffs Up in Response to Noise In Complete Darkness and Silence
6 Angry Rockcrag Rock-Like, Vibrates When Touched. Breaks Up in Snort-able powder When Roasted Wherever Blood Dries on Stone
7 Crystal Dwarfcap Looks Like a Big, Unpolished Gemstone. Smooth like Bread and Tastes like Copper Coins when Cooked In Veins of Ore Artificially Exposed
8 Hobbit Moss Brown, Fluffy, Soft, Smells Doughy Amongst the Ashes of Fireplaces
9 Ariadne's Wayfinder Brightly Colored, Multicolored, Smells like Wet Wool. At The Entrances and Exits of Man-Made Underground Structures
10 White Gasper Light-Grey and Dull. Very Large and Bulbous Cap At the Top of Chimneys, Spires of Towers and Windmills.
11 Fairy Glower Yellowish-White, Pumpkin-Sized, Smells like Wax. Wherever the Sun Shines for No More, No Less than 1 Hour a Day
12 Dragon Hornspike Vibrant Shades of Silver. Smells Metallic. Over Cold Coals of Abandoned Furnaces

d20 Rare Mushroom Name Effect When Raw Effect When Prepared
1 Flying Hogsnout Everything Tastes Like Raw Pork for d6 Hours You Can Fly Horizontally, But Not Gain Altitude, For 10 Minutes
2 Translucent Ghostbell You Are Blinded for 10 Minutes You Can See Ghosts & The Invisible for 1 Hour
3 Philosopher's Firecap Can Only Speak Gibberish for 1 Hour Can Speak in Every Language You Can Hear. All Knowledge Fades After 1 Hour
4 Elf Maiden's Ear Organism Violently Rejects Meat or Blood-Based Rations for The Rest of The Day You Can See As Well Under Moonlight As You Can Under Daylight for 1 Hour
5 Sweet Night Screamer Auditory Hipersensitivity, [-] to Everything in Noisy Enviroments Scream to Know Outline of Major Objects and Topography in Complete Darkness for 1 Hour
6 Angry Rockcrag Explodes as Fireball When Thrown With Force Rage When Entering Combat, [+] to Everything but Can Only Attack Until All Enemies Are Dead. Lasts for One Fight
7 Crystal Dwarfcap Rock-Hard and Inedible, Might Pass for a Real Gemstone to The Eyes of a Novice Soft like Bread, tastes metallic and dusty - can Smell large concentrations of Gold for 1 Hour
8 Hobbit Moss Tastes like the Rotting Carcass of a Troll. Save or Throw Up! Tastes Like Freshly-Baked Bread and Butter
9 Ariadne's Wayfinder Flakes Up into Aprox. 9m of Tough Thread Puffs Up, Quintuples in Size. Tastes like Candy Floss. Quite Sticky and Not Very Filling
10 White Gasper Can Hold Stem in Mouth and Breath Through the Cap to Filter Toxins and Bad Air for up to 10 Minutes. Inflates Like a Balloon and Floats Away. If Eaten, Intense Vertigo for 10 Minutes.
11 Fairy Glower Grows as Brightly as A Torch for One Hour When Vigorously Shaken, then Dries Out. Light Hipersensitivy. Can See Perfectly in Dim Light, Blind in Bright Light for 10 Minutes.
12 Dragon Hornspike Hardens When Picked. As Dagger After 10 Minutes. Shrivels Up into Nothing After 1 Hour Breaks Up in Strips of Silvery, Leathery Strips of Flesh. Damage Taken Reduced by 1 for 10 Minutes

Thank you for reading!

#Adventure Calendar Jam 2023 #FUNGUS! #dungeoncrawl #random tables