The Mythocene

Drugs, Drug Tables and Drug Rules

This post was made as a submission for Dice Goblin's Adventure Calendar Jam 2023 where we post one short RPG idea every day until December 24. Here are my previous entries: day one, two, three and four

Here are some tables to generate generic, performance-enchancing fantasy drugs. First, a table of broad effects and side-effects.

Name Effect Side-Effect Overdose
Fire Burn Bright

[+][^1] to Save vs Surprise and to Roll for Damage, Act First Regardless of Intiative

Save or Intiate/Escalate Conflict; when you Take Stress, Lash Out1 or Take +1
Cardiac Arrest2
Skin Silver Tongue

[+] to Save vs Charm and to Roll for Reaction; can Taste Intent from Bodily Fluids3
Ego Trip

Save to Keep Secrets/Tell the Truth4; when you Take Stress, Save Face or Take +1
Split Personality5
Moon I Am the Key

[+] to Be Unnoticed6, Invisible to Magic, can See as Well in Moonlight/Dim Light as in Daylight
I Am the Gate

[-] to Everything under Bright Light; when you Take Stress, Scream and Claw at Your Skin or Take +1
Permanent Psychosomatic Blindness
Cold Steady, Now

[+] to Save vs Panic or to perform Delicate Tasks, Ignore Stress, Ignore Pain

[-] when Cooperating or Heeding Advice, when you take Stress, Point Fingers or Take +1
Coma, 1d6 Days
'Nife Stay Sharp : No Need for Sleep Tonight or Next Day, then [-] to Everything until you Rest The Shivers

[-] to Save vs Fear or to Perform Delicate Tasks; when you Take Stress, Freeze Up or Take +1
Stress +1 Permanently
Eyes All Seeing

[+] for Spotting Hidden and Using Psionics7, can Smell Magic and Strong Emotions
Bad Trip

[-] to Save vs Panic, Unreliable Descriptions when Alone; when rolling for Panic, you can Choose to Run Away Instead
Permanent Phobia8

And here's a spark table for some descriptions and extras.

Description Administration Withdrawal Symptons (roll twice) Avaliability (roll twice)
Smooth / White Snort It / Smoke It Bleeding / Vomiting Elite Indulgence / Low Life's Vice
Bioluminescent / Red Drink It / Eat It Depression / Anxiety Over The Counter / Black Market Trade
Strange / Green Shoot It Up / Rub on Wounds Insomnia / Hypersomnia Traditional and Local / Exotic and Foreign
Translucid / Blue Rub on Eyes / Chew the Leaves Like Insects Crawling / Pins and Needles Shunned and Taboo / Celebrated and Idolized
Noisy / Brown Pop a Pill / Wear a Patch Weight Gain / Weight Loss Religious / Recreational
Hard / Black Dissolve in Tongue / Swallow Whole Sweating / Chills Cheap Thrill / Expensive Extravagance

Finally, some quick and easy drug rules to bolt on to your system of choice:

Thank you for reading!

[^1]:[+] is Advantage (roll twice and take the best). [-] is Disadvantage (roll twice and take the worst).

  1. Destroy something, scream at someone, punch a wall, etc...

  2. For the first time, Save or Drop on the Ground Dying. Afterwards, Save or Die. Level Drain for every survived heart attack.

  3. At least a spoonful. Superficial, roll to discern minutiae or ask a question

  4. Otherwise, Boast Wildly/Lie Compulsively.

  5. Roll Up a new character, same physical stats, different everything else. Pick one at random to play as at the start of every session. Track XP separately.

  6. Not quite invisible, just supernaturally hard to notice as long as you're really still or in a crowd.

  7. Roll for Psionics again when using for the first time. Can only use psi-powers when under the effects if addicted.

  8. [-] to everything as long as you can see/hear the object of the phobia. Save vs Panic if you can feel the object of the phobia.

#Adventure Calendar Jam 2023 #drugs #house rules #random tables #urbancrawl