The Mythocene

Camping and Camp Actions

This post was made as a submission for Dice Goblin's Adventure Calendar Jam 2023 where we post one short RPG idea every day until December 24. Here are my previous entries: day one, two, three, four, five, six and seven

I love downtime scenes in my games almost as much as I love the crawling, so here are some Camp Actions for gritty fantasy adventure games that fill the gaps in the last post. Inspired a lot by Darkest Dungeon and somewhat by Mount & Blade: Warband.

Making Camp

The party can make camp in one hour - which fits snugly with 10-minute dungeon turns and overland travel times - provided they have food and fuel for fire. Making camp and eating a day's rations restores 1d6 HP. Making camp, eating and getting a good night's sleep in tents, sleeping bags or blankets restores all your HP.

Taking a night watch turn does not prevent you from receiving the full heal from a night's sleep, but sleeping for a full night (that is, not taking a turn) nets you one bonus point of Comfort (see more at the end of the post).

Camp Actions

Before going to bed, each character in a camp is allowed two points of Camp Actions (CAs), that can be spent on:


Comfort is a way to provide tangible benefit for money spent on "superfluous" goods, like higher quality blankets, pillows, comfortable clothing, tobacco, alcohol, etc... When you make camp, tally up all your comfort points and write that number down on your character sheet. At the next day, you add your comfort bonus to your first, and only your first, d20 check.

  1. From Throne of Salt's Unified Food Theory

  2. A good resource for that is Skerples' Monster Menu-All

#Adventure Calendar Jam 2023 #hexcrawling #house rules #survival #wilderness