The Mythocene

The Library is Burning!

This post was made as a submission for Dice Goblin's Adventure Calendar Jam 2023 where we post one short RPG idea every day until December 24. Here are my previous entries: day one, two, three, four and five

Today's post is about a short and simple diegetic minigame for when your players need to grab as many valuable things as they can from a place that is crumbling/burning/about-to-explode and escape with their lives. Here's how it goes:

  1. You, the DM, come up with a list of descriptions for the itens that players aim to obtain (e.g., verbose book titles for a burning library, legendary treasure from a wizard's dimensional vault, extensively described artworks from a gallery...). Create one sheet per player, but keep it hidden from them for now.
  2. Set a time limit for the minigame. One minute works well for a tense scenario, but feel free to adjust for desired loot levels. Clearly communicate the time limit to the players, ensuring everyone is aware.
  3. Place a copy of the sheet face down in front of each player. Provide each player with a blank sheet and writing utensils. When ready to start, instruct players to flip the sheets and commence the timer.
  4. Players must write down the full name of each object they aim to save or loot on their blank sheet, hand it to you, and signal their intent to leave the area by raising their hands before the timer expires. If they do not have their hands raised when the time is up, they are caught by the location's hazard/collapse. The catch? The players do not see the timer. They have to guess and wager how much they're willing to push it, or play it safe and leave early for a lower payout.

Some considerations:

Thank you for reading!

#Adventure Calendar Jam 2023 #diegetic #house rules #minigame