The Mythocene

Bog Witches and Mongrel Knights

Here are some monsters from my new campaign set in a dark, old forest.

Bog Witches

Naturally-mummified restless dead, slumbering under the peat and mud.

HD 2 (7 hp)
Armor Variable
Attacks 2 x Claw (2d6 take lowest)
Movement Variable
Morale 8
Nº Encountered 1d3

The skull of a Bog Witch, filled with gravel and shaken like a rattle, drowns out any other noise, magical or mundane, in the surrounding area.

Mongrel Knight

Beast-like forsaken knights, warped by the wilds

HD 2 (9 hp)
Armor As Mail
Attacks 1 x Sword (1d6, breaks on a 6);
Attacks 1 x Bite (1d6, only when unarmed);
Movement As Hound
Morale 9 (11 in packs of 4 or more)
Nº Encountered 2d6

Clad in rust-covered platemail, the Mongrel Knight wields his sword with his mouth with ferocious efficacy. Incapable of speech, it makes naught but a sound of heaving and panting, like a hound. It runs on all fours, and is a proficient climber (as 1st level Thief). The Mongrel Knight feeds on flesh and hunts in packs of rabid warriors.

Wearing the armor of a Mongrel Knight grants a +1 to attack and damage rolls. For every week that the user kills another sentient creature while donning the armor, they must Save or suffer the following effects, in order;

  1. The user can no longer write, but can now run on all fours as fast as when standing up;
  2. The user can no longer read, but can now wield his sword using his mouth as effectively as using his hand;
  3. The user can no longer speak, but can now make a second attack per turn;
  4. The user loses all desire to doff the armor or ever return to civilization. When attacking, the user must Save or attack another avaliable target, friend or foe. The user also re-rolls their HP until they get a value higher than their current max HP. It would be wise to cease playing this character.

#Forestcrawl #OSR #monsters