The Mythocene

The Bard for OSE

Inspired by one of my players' expressed interest in playing a bard in an upcoming OSE campaign, I wrote a remixed Thief that shies away from the "wizard rockstar" stereotype of bards popularized by later editions and tries to emulate a skáld or Orpheus-like figure, wielding discreet magic and vibrant folklore. This class uses my alternate Thief rules - go check it out if it sounds interesting!

The Bard (Alternate Thief)

Requirements: None
Prime requisite: WIS
Hit Dice: 1d4
Maximum level: 14
Armour: Leather, no shields
Weapons: Any
Languages: Alignment, Common, Any (Player's Choice)

Silver Tongue

Before hostilities break out, bards receive a +1 bonus to Reaction Rolls of other creatures1, and hirelings employed by a bard get +1 bonus to Morale rolls as long as they remain by her side.


Light on their feet and always on the road, bards can only wear leather armor and cannot use shields. They can use any weapons.

The Fool

A bard of 4th level or higher may choose, at the start of each day, to be considered Chaotic, Neutral or Lawful, regardless of her true Alignment, for the rest of this day. A bard can freely speak the language of her chosen Aligment, and is subject to all other alignment rules.

Alternative 4th Level Feat - A bard of 4th level or higher may use her Wisdom modifier instead of her Intelligence modifier to determine how many languages she may speak, and can learn double the amount of languages determined by her attribute score modifier.

Oral Tradition

A bard of 10th level or higher can memorize a spell that she witness or is targeted by, and cast it as a Magic User of the same level. A bard can only have one spell memorized in this way at any time, but, if she casts her spell, she frees the space in her mind to memorize another one.

If not cast, the spell disappears from the bard's mind after a night's rest. A bard may not memorize a spell cast by another bard in this way.

Bard Skills

Bards can use the following skills:

A bard's skills start at 1, and a 1st level bard receives five points to improve her skills as she pleases, as long as no more than two points are invested in a single skill. At every new level, a bard receives five more points to distribute amongst her skills.

No skill may be raised above the value of 18.

Rolling Skill Checks

A bard is allowed a regular D6 skill check as any other class, with a standard 1-in-6 chance of success.

If she fails, the bard may try again by attempting to roll equal to or under her relevant skill score on a D20. If this second skill check succeeds, the task is accomplished, and only if both attempts fail is the Bard unable to achieve her task.

Tasks considered impossible for other characters can be attempted by the bard as long as they are covered by her skills, at the Referee's discretion. To do so, the bard attempts to roll under her relevant skill directly.

After Reaching 9th Level

A bard may estabilish a troupe and attrack 2d6 1st level apprentices, half of which are bards and another half belonging to any other class. The bard's apprentices may gather rumours and secrets from the surrounding area in the bard's abscence.

Bard Level Progression

Bards share the same level progression and Saving Throw scores with Thiefs of the same level.

1 0 1d4 19 [0]
2 1,200 2d4 19 [0]
3 2,400 3d4 19 [0]
4 4,800 4d4 19 [0]
5 9,600 5d4 17 [+2]
6 20,000 6d4 17 [+2]
7 40,000 7d4 17 [+2]
8 80,000 8d4 17 [+2]
9 160,000 9d4 14 [+5]
10 280,000 9d4+2* 14 [+5]
11 400,000 9d4+4* 14 [+5]
12 520,000 9d4+6* 14 [+5]
13 640,000 9d4+8* 12 [+7]
14 760,000 9d4+10* 12 [+7]

* Modifiers from CON no longer apply.

Level Death & Poison Wands Paralysis & Petrification Breath Attack Spells, Rods & Staves
1 13 14 13 16 15
2 13 14 13 16 15
3 13 14 13 16 15
4 13 14 13 16 15
5 12 13 11 14 13
6 12 13 11 14 13
7 12 13 11 14 13
8 12 13 11 14 13
9 10 11 9 12 10
10 10 11 9 12 10
11 10 11 9 12 10
12 10 11 9 12 10
13 8 9 7 10 8
14 8 9 7 10 8
  1. Taken from Skerples' Merchant

#OSE #class #homebrew #thief